The Steve Prescott Foundation announce partnership with Maxilead Metals

The partnership will see Maxilead Metals headline the forthcoming Afternoon with World Sporting Icon Sugar Ray Leonard on the 22nd March at Sutton High Leisure Centre St Helens. Maxilead will also be Lee Briers personal sponsor for the SPF Spectrum Kilimanjaro Challenge starting on 13th October. This is just the start of the companies commitment to support The Steve Prescott Foundation announce partnership with Maxilead Metals

The partnership will see Maxilead Metals headline the forthcoming Afternoon with World Sporting Icon Sugar Ray Leonard on the 22nd March at Sutton High Leisure Centre St Helens.

Maxilead will also be Lee Briers personal sponsor for the SPF Spectrum Kilimanjaro Challenge starting on 13th October.

This is just the start of the companies commitment to support the SPF Charity with other exciting events in the pipeline.

Martin Blondel General Manager of the SPF said “We are elated to be working alongside Peter and the Maxilead team. Peter is a lifelong rugby league fan and has been inspired by Steve’s incredible courage and determination to help those less fortunate. This is the start of a fruitful partnership!”

Peter Clay stated “I admired Steve as a player and even more so with his exploits off the field. I am pleased I am in a position to support Briersey and help to continue Steve’s amazing legacy by offering financial help and logistic support for the SPF.”

The Steve Prescott Foundation has been established to provide funds for both The Christie Hospital in Manchester – one of the world’s leading cancer hospitals – the Rugby League Benevolent Fund, which offers help to those who have been seriously injured playing one of the world’s toughest sports and from 2014 the SPF have started to support the Oxford Transplant Foundation were Steve sadly passed away in November 2013.

Tickets are still available for An Afternoon with Sugar Ray Leonard sponsored by Maxilead Metals also featuring Martin Murray. 

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  If you are interested please phone Martin Blondel on 07971792859 for further details.

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