Celebrating 30 years of Maxilead Metals!

It’s been 30 years since Peter started Maxilead Metals and the company has come a long way! We’re celebrating our huge milestone with an infogrpahic detailing all of our great work and success over the past 3 decades. There are some truly startling facts included in our infographic, so take a look and let us Celebrating 30 years of Maxilead Metals!

It’s been 30 years since Peter started Maxilead Metals and the company has come a long way! We’re celebrating our huge milestone with an infogrpahic detailing all of our great work and success over the past 3 decades. There are some truly startling facts included in our infographic, so take a look and let us know what you think on Twitter and Facebook. You can view our full infographic by clicking on our link, or clicking on the picture below. Take a look and see some amazing data on our long standing scrap metal merchants.


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