BBQs Made From Scrap Metal

In this day and age, many people are choosing to build their own BBQs from scrap, rather than going out and buying a brand new one. Why? Well, for starters, brand new BBQs tend to be rather expensive. Secondly, the age of recycling is well and truly upon us, and it’s great that people are BBQs Made From Scrap Metal

In this day and age, many people are choosing to build their own BBQs from scrap, rather than going out and buying a brand new one. Why? Well, for starters, brand new BBQs tend to be rather expensive. Secondly, the age of recycling is well and truly upon us, and it’s great that people are taking the initiative and re-using their scrap.

There’s a new breed of recyclers in town. Often called ‘redneck recycling’, these guys will recycle anything they can get their hands on and we love it here at Maxilead Metals.

So what type of BBQs can you make from scrap? Here are just a few examples that we’ve seen on our travels:

  • A barrel pit BBQ
  • A wheelbarrow fire pit BBQ
  • A shopping trolley pit BBQ
  • A rocket ship BBQ (yes, really!)

Not convinced? Take a look at some great reasons to recycle your scrap metal.

Here are some tips if you’re thinking of making a BBQ from scrap metal:

Don’t use zinc

Unless you fancy breathing in toxic fumes during your summer BBQ, try to avoid using anything that’s coated in zinc.

Any old metal case should do – but also avoid aluminium as this tends to have a low melting point.

Attach wheels to the legs

This doesn’t take very long to do at all, but it means that you’ll be able to move your new recycled BBQ with relative ease – perfect for the rather unpredictable British weather!

Be creative

It’s your BBQ, so be as creative as you like! For some inspiration, why not take a look at this guy who made a BBQ smoker that looks like a rocket ship.

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