Why It’s Great to Recycle Aluminium

Aluminium is one of the most commonly re-used metals in existence. From food and drink cans to foil and aerosol bottles, the material is found in innumerable everyday objects and is very easy to recycle or reuse. If you can collect enough, it’s definitely worth taking your old aluminium to a trusted scrap dealer, where Why It’s Great to Recycle Aluminium

Aluminium is one of the most commonly re-used metals in existence. From food and drink cans to foil and aerosol bottles, the material is found in innumerable everyday objects and is very easy to recycle or reuse. If you can collect enough, it’s definitely worth taking your old aluminium to a trusted scrap dealer, where you’ll be properly remunerated according to the metal’s current worth. So why is aluminium so popular as a recyclable material?

It’s Easy to Find

As mentioned, there are no end of aluminium items in circulation – a fact that serves as evidence of the material’s amazing versatility. It’s easy to come by too, as a great deal of our food and drink containers, along with many tools and construction elements, are made from aluminium due to its lightness and durability.

It’s Easy to Recycle

Aluminium comes with the surprising bonus that it is actually more manipulatable when being reused than in its pure, original, “virgin” form. One of the most amazing things about this is that repurposing the metal only requires 5% of the energy that is used to produce it in the first place, allowing for very little impact on the environment each time it is recycled. This is due to the fact that the metal melts much more easily when being reused. It also remains just as versatile as it was in its virgin form and does not lose any of its characteristics.

It Can Be Used for Very Valuable Purposes

Aluminium is light and flexible, but is also highly resistant to corrosion. This is what makes it an excellent choice for food and beverage containers as well as the construction of more hard-wearing items such as siding, industrial roofing and the bodies of aeroplanes.

What Happens When Aluminium is Recycled?

Any decorative paint or coating is removed from each aluminium item and they are melted down, then reshaped into ingots. These are rolled into sheets to improve flexibility and sent to the various companies that will re-form it into different products. After a minimum of six weeks, the metal will be available on shelves in its new form.

How Do I Recycle Aluminium?

Due to its lightness, it’s a very good idea to make sure you have a large quantity of the metal collected before you take it to a scrapyard.

You should always ensure that all different metals that you bring to a scrapyard are sorted by type, including ferrous and non-ferrous. If you fail to do so, you may be offered a lower price for it as the staff at the scrapyard will then have to spend time sorting it.

Where Should I Take Aluminium To Be Recycled?

Once you have collected a suitable amount of aluminium, you can transport it to a scrap yard near you. It’s really important that you thoroughly research the company you intend to use, as, due to the competitive and saturated nature of the metal recycling market, a number of fairly unscrupulous organisations have come into being. The scrap metal market can be difficult to navigate, as conversion rates and values change regularly, and some companies are prone to taking advantage of any confusion or lack of knowledge – often offering far below the correct trade price for a collection of metals. Luckily, Maxilead Metals guarantee that we will always offer the correct price for your scrap. We are a family run organisation that can look back over three decades’ worth of successful experience within this industry. We offer a cashless membership scheme with over 10,000 users currently on board, because we aim to create an ongoing relationship, based on trust, with all of our customers.

If you are interested in recycling scrap with Maxilead Metals, or you would like to find out more about our other services such as skip hire, all you need to do is get in touch with us today via 0161 790 5105 or by completing an online contact form, which you can find here. Our business hours are Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm, so feel free to contact us at any point during this time and our friendly team will be happy to chat to you.

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