Why You Should Use an Accredited Metal Recycling Company

Why use an accredited metal recycling company? In the search for a scrap metal recycling company, there are a number of elements that will influence your choice as a business. Cost is, of course, just one. There’s reliability and recommendations. Location and reputation in the industry. But the clincher may be accreditation. A certified metal recycling Why You Should Use an Accredited Metal Recycling Company

Why use an accredited metal recycling company?

In the search for a scrap metal recycling company, there are a number of elements that will influence your choice as a business. Cost is, of course, just one. There’s reliability and recommendations. Location and reputation in the industry. But the clincher may be accreditation.

certified metal recycling company gives a number of guarantees. While these organisations don’t have to get certification, those that do offer a number of benefits to their clients. Businesses using a certified scrap yard can also market those credentials to their own customers.

If you are looking for a scrap metal recycling company in the North West, Maxilead Metals is one of the largest and most well-established scrap metal yards, offering a wide range of recycling services and decades of expertise. Maxilead carries ISO 9001.2015 accreditation (Quality), as well as ISO 14001 (Environmental), ISO 45001 (Health and Safety), and FORS Bronze (Transport) accreditation. We are also members of the BMRA (British Metal Recycling Association). For more information about how Maxilead Metals can support your business’s metal recycling needs, contact us.

What does accreditation really mean?

Having a business certification might look like a rubber stamp, but any company that has been through the process knows that it is rigorous and genuinely beneficial to the running of a successful and efficient organisation.

Better management structures

ISO 9001, 45001 and 14001 certifications require businesses to have efficient management structures and environmental and health & safety procedures – complying with internationally recognised quality management principles. What does that mean for metal recycling clients? A more efficient and reliable service – where everything is carefully logged and planned: from the pickup at your plant or site to the environmental outlay of the recycling process, and from your first phone call to ongoing contracts that could save you money in the long term.

Low wastage

Accreditation also takes into account the efficiency of a business. Management isn’t just about the organisation in the background, but the physical and logistical business of running a metal scrap yard. Recycling businesses have to prove to independent, external bodies that they are cutting out wastage at every stage of their process. Accreditation ensures that a scrap metal yard has waste carrier licenses and environmentally sound waste management practices.

Minimal mistakes

The more efficient the management systems, the fewer mistakes that are made at all stages of the process.

Improved reporting and communications

Reporting and comms have an impact on you as a client. Every step of the recycling procedure must be carefully recorded, and any issues reported. Communication with clients and within the organisation must be shown to be clear, transparent and reliable.

Consistently superior quality products and services

This aspect of ISO certification compares a company’s output and services to other businesses in the field (both nationally and internationally). In order to get accreditation, a scrap metal yard needs to show that it serves its customers in the best way possible, as well as ensuring that the recycling process is part of a chain of high-quality providers and suppliers.

Reliable production scheduling and delivery

This is key to any business using a recycling service. Knowing that your scrap metal will be removed on time and within your agreed timeframes is a major selling point. Delivery of skips and containers also needs to be reliable and carefully scheduled. Our accreditations demonstrate that a metal recycling yard sticks to its agreed schedules and delivery dates.

Co-operation and flexibility in client relationships

Accredited companies must demonstrate that they work well with their clients. The independent assessments gain access to clients and review the way that a business works with them. As a potential client, this is as good as (if not better than) getting those word-of-mouth recommendations.

Standards maintained by annual assessments

Gaining accreditation is not a one-off prize. Businesses must maintain their standards consistently, proving that they continue to earn their certification, year-on-year.

Strong non-conformance analysis and resolution

Accreditation organisations don’t just review practices that are in place but offer constructive advice and guidance in improving businesses. A scrap metal recycling company that has systems built on international standards adapts fast to global trends. Why does that matter to a client? Because the more efficient and up-to-date the metal recycler is, the better service they offer and more cost-effective they can be.

Maxilead offers a complete metal recycling service in the North West, with competitive prices and many years of experience working with clients and customers across a wide range of industries. Maxilead Metals offers cost savings for your metal waste, providing efficient metal collection services from your plant or site, handling the waste management of ferrous and non-ferrous metal. Maxilead Metals has ISO 9001 certification, ISO 14001 certification, and ISO 45001 certification, FORS Bronze (Transport) accreditation, ensuring that its management, quality, environmental, and health and safety systems are recognised and approved by an internationally recognised independent body.

To get in touch with Maxilead Metals, contact us.

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