Maxilead’s Christmas Round-up 2017

It’s been an exciting year for Maxilead Metals. Drawing to a close at the end of December, we can sit back* and look at everything we’ve achieved. We’ve successfully continued our Maxilead Membership scheme, which was established in response to the Scrap Metal Dealers Act and deters any illegal scrap dealers from darkening our door! Maxilead’s Christmas Round-up 2017

It’s been an exciting year for Maxilead Metals. Drawing to a close at the end of December, we can sit back* and look at everything we’ve achieved.

We’ve successfully continued our Maxilead Membership scheme, which was established in response to the Scrap Metal Dealers Act and deters any illegal scrap dealers from darkening our door!

We’ve continued to grow our team and take great pride in having created a positive, hardworking and driven team of staff who take pride and responsibility in their work whether it’s out in the yard, in the office or even on the road creating new business deals.

So here’s a roundup of all our personal highs of 2017 – and here’s to another great year in 2018!

Maxilead's Christmas Roundup 2017


First and foremost, one of the biggest dates in our diary was our sponsored climb up Africa’s highest mountain. A group of Maxileaders together with the team took the journey to Tanzania and hiked up Kilimanjaro to raise money for the incredible Steve Prescott Foundation. It was a gruelling and painstaking hike but we managed to raise nearly £184,000 between us – 100% of which goes towards the Foundation which raises money for The Christie Hospital and Try Assist (formerly the Rugby Benevolent Fund).

Export Business

We’re not just north-west based anymore. Our reach spans over the continents! We have successfully grown our export business which is shipping scrap metal to Singapore, India and Bangladesh. We’ve grown good business relationships in these parts of Asia, and look forward to nurturing them in 2018.

Women in Business

We were delighted to be featured in the press this year, getting coverage in Manchester Evening News, as well as a horde of other local press. The article celebrated the indomitable group of women at Maxilead Metals, and has helped to prove that scrap metal certainly isn’t a male-dominated industry anymore.

*When I say sit back, there’s no sitting back at Maxilead Metals until Christmas Day – December is one of our busiest months!

On behalf of Maxilead Metals, we all hope you have a wonderful Christmas and here’s to a successful, happy and healthy 2018.

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