Pioneering a sustainable future through advanced waste management and metal recycling solutions.

What is Smart Water?

Smartwater is a liquid that’s applied to items of value to trace criminals. The unique traceable components of Smartwater are invisible to the naked eye, unless placed under an ultraviolet light, so it’s perfect for deterring potential thieves in public areas. Why use Smartwater? Smartwater is made from a liquid that contains a unique code, What is Smart Water?

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What is the WEEE Directive?

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) is a legal action by the EU that became European Law in 2003. The law sets targets for the collection, recovery and recycling of every type of electrical item in the UK. There are also restrictions as to what new electronic equipment on the market can What is the WEEE Directive?

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A Guide: How to Scrap Copper Wire

Of the many various ferrous metals, copper is one of the most valuable. Wiring is a common form of copper, and you can find it in pretty much all domestic, commercial and industrial properties. If you happen to stockpile even a small amount of copper wire that you could scrap. it could result in a A Guide: How to Scrap Copper Wire

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Huge Scrap Metal Soldier Unveiled

It’s not often we see a scrap metal sculpture that leaves us, here at Maxilead Metals, speechless. However, a fascinating sculpture down in Dorset has managed to do just that. Talented artist Martin Galbavy has been working on the project for the last three months, to mark the one hundred year anniversary of World War One. Huge Scrap Metal Soldier Unveiled

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